This is not the movie, nor even close. This was done with a small video camera, and a crew of me and my producer, with the actors. In the coming months, the project will grow into something bigger and much better.
in 12 hours.
I'll try editing a bit tonight, but tomorrow will be really the work day for this test teaser to show a bit of the film's storyline, but nothing that gives it away. Just makes you think "wtf? That looks interesting."

August 21st will be the release of this. Probably at 10 pm PST. Seeing Avatar footage in IMAX that evening, so after I get back. 10 pm sounds like a safer bet though.
Since I finished the treatment yesterday afternoon, I went out looking for locations that fit the story locations. (some of which I know well and placed in the storyline for that reason.) Here are two locations.

This is an alleyway in which the lead Alexander uses to escape during a chase. Sure, it's dusk, but at full night, the lighting the streetlamp gives is really uncomfortable, just like the feel of the movie.

This now is a park at night, this park will play an important role in the movie. It was too dark and got it from my car, but during other filming it's we only see it at day, dawn, and dusk, never night.
After 13 pages of scene descriptions, and a storyline that I like better than previous attempts, I move now onto act 3 to close the story. Hopefully it should be done by Tuesday at the latest. Monday begins filming for the teaser trailer as well, which I have included the scenes in the treatment. After the treatment is done, I move to the next phase, whch will include more dialogue, and more descriptive scenes and actions. The last phase is the rest of the dialogue and the completion of the script.
Cast list has been updated, along with producer of crew.
As of last night, I have talked with someone who I have worked with many times in the past. He also was the star of my SCC block class film, The Bom. Today is a production meeting with him where he will learn the storyline. As for a teaser trailer, 1 will be made shortly, because it's not really a trailer, but a test on what we can do and what we want to do. I'm hoping to get it released on the 1st of August.
Project -Atelis- is coming. After 7 years, and various treatments to the script, I have finally found something that works story-wise, as well as entertainment wise. I will admit first hand, that dispite it being a horror/drama, it will not be that scary. More toned down horror, which is where the drama obviously comes from. I am writing the first draft of the new treatment, and after I will probably be filming a "fake" teaser to help generate interest. This should all be happening in the next month if things are executed right.

I will update the following cast/crew list as the time goes on, including a character page with bio's and pictures of the actors/actresses.

Producer: Daniel Schick
Asst. Producer:
Director: Jamie P. Collins
1st Asst. Director: Josh Geiwitz
Director of Photography:
Written by: Jamie P. Collins
Script Supervisor:

Alexander Jordan: Will Argeros (Teaser)
Edgar:Jacob: Karl Kwiatkowski (Teaser) 
"The Three":
Alex's Parents:
Rebecca's Parents:
Drama teacher:
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