Accident Prone is done, and will be released on this site after deciding on entering it into a festival or not. 
However, production for Efialtis is underway. 

We have a few announcements regarding this. Angry Mailman has been put on hold for the time while my next horror/drama gets finished, and we can find funding for more complex locations that script entailed (such as Bars.) 

Efialtis is a story about a man awakened during the night by paranormal forces, and is used as a pawn in their war with each other. It will fun around 15 minutes, and begin shooting in early May. Kickstarter or Indiegogo will launch in March. We hope to raise anywhere between $2000-$2500 for the project. We already have $350 out of pocket put aside. 

Mark DeBoer, who started in Accident Prone is returning to the cast as one of the paranormal entities. 

The crew also contains up and coming cinematographer Tim Pierce and a few other's who had helped on Accident Prone. More updates as they come. 

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